Your Edmonton & Area Village Through Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum

It takes a village... Let us be yours.
Welcome to our Village! You have found your circle of support for your pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
The Doulas at Village Birth Collective are eager to support you with all of your prenatal, pregnancy, and post birth needs. We offer inclusive, all encompassing services for every family.
Our village will help you explore your specific vision for the transition through pregnancy and parenting. We provide a combination of Education and Hands on Support. Through our time together, you will feel empowered, informed and supported to have a positive birth experience.
Village Birth Collective supports all Pregnancy and Birth, modes of birth (vaginal or belly birth), places for birth (home, hospital or birth center), natural or medical, any caregiver (Doctor, Obstetrician or Midwife), biological surrogacy or adoption, pregnancy loss or birth in any trimester, birthers of any race,gender identification, or sexual orientation, all family structures, and all belief systems about birth. We will support you on your unique journey to complement and enhance your experience.
We invite you to meet our doulas (PAGE LINK), to find a perfect fit for your needs. We have multiple birth and postpartum doulas to provide support during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum for you and your family’s needs.